31 Sensitive Quotes that are Wonderful and Inspirational

Accept yourself. You don’t have to prove shit.
-said by unknown author
You don’t.
Don’t be too sensitive to it not being your time. Just keep trying.

Date someone who is a home
and an adventure all at once. –unknown
Find them. Then marry them.

Every exit is an entry somewhere else.
-anonymous author
Take the exit sometimes, it’s the only way.

Five types of people you want to surround
yourself with: the inspired, the passionate, the motivated, the
grateful and the open-minded.
-unnamed author
They’ll be good for you.

The goal is to laugh forever with
someone you take serious.
-unacknowledged author
That’s it.

If there is even a slight chance at getting something
that will make you happy, risk it. Life’s too short, and
happiness is too rare.
-a. R. Lucas
Take it!

Knowing when to walk away is wisdom. Being able
to is courage. Walking away with your head
held high is dignity.
-anonymously authored

The moment that just passed was someone’s
greatest moment ever…and here comes another.
-unknown author
And then there will be another.

Your perception of me
is a reflection of you.
-author unknown
Best of sensitive quotes right here.

Everything comes to up at the
right moment. Be patient.
-author unknown
It will come.

You don’t need social approval.
You don’t.

You’re more than a bundle of thoughts, you’re more
than a job and a dream. You’re more than a body, a brain, and
a heart, you’re so much more than you seem.
-anonymously shared
You are.

Flowers grow back even after they
are stepped on. So will i.
-shared by anonymous author
Every time.

If it was easy, would it be worth it?
-anonymously spoken
Think about it.
What music do you have?

Sometimes we expect more from others
because we would be willing to do that much for them.
-unknown writer
It does.
There is only courage.
Create it for yourself.

Keep creating, travel often, love fully. Give thanks, dream
big, work hard, and take risks, stay
humble. Be you.
-author unstated
Be authentically you.

Everyday life begins to sparkle when we realize our friends are the glitter.
-unknown source
Our friends are the light.
What are yours?

Follow your soul.
it knows the way.
-author unnamed
Listen to it.

Never announce your moves
before you make them.
-source unknown

A lot can happen in a year.
-source unknown, popular saying
And that’s great. So keep going.

Eat better. Run more. Squat more. Sleep earlier.
wake up earlier. Make a good breakfast. Drink water. Eat fruits. Read books. Adventure. Talk less. Listen more.
feel deeper. Love better. Open your eyes. Experience life. Be happy.
-unknown source and author
Do more

Let go of the illusion it could
have been any different.
It couldn’t.