54 Funny April Fools Memes That’ll Have You Questioning Everything

Oops. Guess that april fools prank went too far…

Political jokes and memes.

It’s no joke.


In case you’re unsure about staying in the closet…

Happy april fools!

They were tasteful…

There’s a reason for everything.

You gotta pick your moments…

Here’s hoping.

It’s just not fair.

Always keep your wits.

Talkabout a good save…

Pets don’t find april fools funny.

That’s a good one.

The internet is one big april fools joke…

Oh the pain…

Sneaky april fools recipes for kids…

Truly sorry…

Facebook should add a warning label…

Sus level: EXPERT.

Because astrology is no joke.

If you need to be told…

Seeing things in a refreshed new way!

Single friends rejoice.

And would the judge believe the vote?

Hee hee…

Is it?

That’s a lot of shouting in the copy room…

People are precious…

Way to reveal that stealthy sense of humor…

Ain’t that the truth.

Unemployment memes right here!

Now why would you need that?

Pets know.

Again, don’t trust the internet.

Being single memes to make you feel better about being single.

Yes, because no one with a sense of humor can possibly be evil.

Big brain moment.

That could cause panic..


Loving that 9 to 5.

It’s a great joke!

Yes I laugh every moment of every day.

Hidden meaning in the timing?

Arnold does not crossfit.


Trying to be human does not suit multibillion dollar companies.

Facebook needs a fake news filter.

What a great idea!


Coz Bernie already Madoff with all my life savings…

Very appropriate.

No truer has ever been said.