Over 60 Hilarious Yo Mama Jokes to Help You Take Out Frustration on Your Friends
Yo mama jokes are rude, cheeky but ohh so funny. I have nothing against yo mama. I’m sure she’s an upstanding citizen and she spoils you as only a mother can. But when it comes to blowing off some steam the size of a volcano, there’s nothing like yo mama… (low blow I know)… I meant to say “yo mama jokes”. Sorry I couldn’t resist.
Harmless bantering between friends for some reason always ends up insulting each other’s mothers. And so to help you load up on your yo mama ammunition, check out this huge collection below that’s fit for, well you know…. yo mama. LOL!

Better order al la carte if you want some food!

Malcolm X marks the spot.

At least she does the ironing!

Is that why the universe expansion is accelerating? It’s a good theory!

That’s gotta take some talent too!

Still doesn’t stop her from being late!

I’m sure that’s what Apple had in mind when they programmed that mode.

Not sure how she’s gonna make it to Australia though!

Maybe she should move to the equator.

Would that be like lipstick on a pig?

She probably damaged it when she walked to the middle.

Don’t have to buy window blinds then!

For the star wars fans amongst us!

That’s some impressive print job!

Surprise party!

Better not put moves on your boyfriend!

That’s gotta get expensive.

Let’s just hope she leaves us all some fish to eat.

Guess she was at least trying to get fit.

Not sure if it’s absorbent enough though!

Ok she wins.

Better warn tokyo.

They might need a bigger UFO.

If she has a good side that is…

Mmmmmm pi…

Stephen Hawking would have loved her.

Shoulda stuck to animals!

She’ll need to shower in the tub I guess.

Cos she lives for those 3 letters.

And one for Harry Potter fans!

I guess she’s making herself useful.

They’re smarter than the average bear!

Back to the good old colonial days.

Nope, she fell out.

She’ll have to try the car wash maybe?

Time to get measured up!

But how did she go up? I doubt it was the stairs.

Beware of identity theft.

That’s a great DIY Halloween costume I never thought of.

Well at least she got an A!

That’s a well designed scale.

That’s probably good for her personality… not good for her person.

It was fat chance she’s going to heaven anyway.

Bet she was wearing an ugly christmas sweater too!

I know whales sing, but “we are family”?

A groundswell of sympathy!

Everyday low prices!

Eat your heart out Dora… before yo mama does!

Better watch out for her web!

That’s why the iPad came after the iPhone.

Just keeping KFC honest!

She tried… I guess.

Definitely a first for vets!

What’s better than meals on wheels? Twinkie on wheels!

Well she cured my bingewatching!

Better stick with Uber.

She’s a believer!

Good thing she’s got a lot of gas!

Giving the leprechauns a run for their gold!

Thanks NASA!

She’s a cool mama!

Exxon Valdez!