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21 Funny Signs That Will Make You LMAO

Funnysign Dooropen

So … I’m to push on the door, but not push on the door, yet not use the door handles? What?

Funnysign Catsallowed

The cat has spoken.


Funnysign Readymeals

Well, technically speaking, it could be a meal.


Funnysign Restroomhelmet

What’s going on in that restroom that you need helmets?!


Funnysign Dogsign

They spoke directly to the dogs because it’s important to have a leashed human.


Funnysign Cheese

You didn’t think this through, did you?


Funnysign Weightwatchers

I think they saw the sign then that the meeting was canceled…


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Funnysign Tesco

What? This message is a little messed up.


Funnysign Smokingsign

If you really wanna quite smoking without starting drinking…

get this NicoDerm or Nicorette deal!


Funnysign Picniccondoms

Hmm..quite adventurous picnic!


Funnysign Nowewont

That says it all.


Funnysign Icebag

I..don’t think ice is supposed to be hot.


Funnysign Buttercream

Someone had fun and made the grocery store the butt of the joke.


Funnysign Bananas

What kind of fun are you planning?!


Funnysign Backtoschool

Yep, back to school needs for parents!


Funnysign 9Days

Do they exist in some sort of time-space continuum we don’t know about?


Funny Signsafety

I..well then it’s not safe, right?


Funny Signfishcrap

The most honest sign ever.


Funny Signanger

That sounds appropriate.


Funny Garbagesign

But how do we differentiate between the two?


Funnysign Homedepot

No thanks, I’m good.



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