Hilarious Corona Virus Dating and Social Greeting Memes
Well I think it’s safe to say that the corona virus has gone ballistic. Local covid-19 outbreaks are now happening in Italy, Iran, South Korea, Japan, France, Germany and United States. The cat is out of the bag, pandora’s box has been opened, and it’s just a matter of time before WHO declares a pandemic. If you’ve been paralyzed by fear and panic and don’t know what to do, you can start with our guide on the best stuff to have for a corona virus pandemic. For those who’ve already stocked up on masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers, you can crack open a beer (corona maybe?) and enjoy these hilarious corona virus dating memes while the world goes into lockdown.

This has even been adopted by Canadian Health Experts as Safe Sex Advice!

Changing with the times.


Choose your greeting style.

You can never be too safe.

Do you dare to swipe right?

Getting lucky tonight?

Moses did NOT see this coming.

Extra SAFE is extra safe.
If you looking for more entertainment, check out our collection of COVID memes.