How to make the famous mac and cheese and bacon bread cone.
This has to be one of the best ideas I have come across in a long, long time. Meet the mac and cheese and bacon bread cone. This bad boy was created by the guys at, and I am officially thanking them right now. The mac and cheese and bacon bread cone actually looks like it wouldn’t be that hard to make – either way, I’m making one. You should too. After this check out this amazingness that is known only as the Bacon Bomb.
To create the mac and cheese and bacon bread cone I just took some bread dough that I got from the grocery store, wrapped it around my cone form and cooked it according to the directions on the can. For the last couple minutes in the oven I also brushed some melted butter on the cone to give it that nice golden brown color and to add even more flavor. When the cone was finished I filled it with macaroni and cheese and topped it with bacon just like Disney does, because why would you not want bacon with your mac and cheese? Via –
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