12 Uplifting Christmas Quotes We Could All Use
Need some positive and uplifting Christmas Quotes to share with your friends and family? Scroll down and spread the Christmas Cheer. And for something with a dash of Humor, check out these funny Christmas memes!

What is christmas?
it is tenderness for the past,
courage for the present,
hope for the future.
-agnes m. Pahro
A little note for the past present and future to cherish.

Maybe christmas, he thought,
doesn’t come from a store.
maybe christmas… perhaps…
means a little bit more.
–the grinch
If the Grinch can feel the spirit of Christmas, so should we all!

A little more sparkle,
a little less stress.
this christmas, i wish
you the very best.
The very best for all!

Christmas gift suggestions
to your enemy, forgiveness.
to an opponent, tolerance.
to a friend, your heart.
to a customer, service.
to all, charity.
to every child, a good example.
to yourself, respect.
These are the most important gifts of all.

A lovely thing about christmas is that it’s compulsory,
like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.
–garrison keillor
Going through it together is the glue that binds us all.

My idea of christmas,
whether old-fashioned or modern,
is very simple: loving others.
come to think of it,
why do we have to wait for christmas to do that?
–bob hope
Reminding us to love others all the time.

The best christmas gift
is to realize how much you already have.
It’s the very best.

Christmas is not as much about opening our presents
as opening our hearts.
-janice maeditere
Opening your hearts is what counts the most.

I will honor christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it all the year.
i will live in the past, the present, and the future.
the spirits of all three shall survive survive within me.
i will not shut out the lessons that they teach!
-charles dickens
Honor Christmas all year.

Christmas is the day that holds all time together.
-alexander smith
And holds us all together!