39 New Funny Quotes You’re Going To Love
39 New Funny Quotes You’re Going To Love. More funny quotes HERE.

Steal all the food I want.

Also, get off my back too.

 Rare flower indeed.

Says I know how to have a good time.

And I don’t get a ticket for your baggage either.

Or cronut, I’m not picky.

Yet I just threw some awesome shade.

That’s queen to you.

Everyone clear on that?

And when they’re around, sometime it’s stormy and awful.

Get ready to be fact-attacked.

Small blessings.

If only it worked on family.

Hide the hair clippers.

And apps not apple bytes?

I have whines for my whines.

The most beautiful song in the world.

Or sometimes begin a new chapter.

Baths are just as good too.

That’s all they really want.

It’s getting pretty serious.

You’re the barometer of my inability to keep things organized.

Enjoy it.

I can’t help it if I’m a great wordsmith.

You’re testing my theory, aren’t you?

The Head Witch in Charge.

You should honestly applaud my conservation efforts.

That’s for other people to worry about.

Just give to me like a GPS.

Where are they going to put their pringles?!

Bibbi bobbity balling.

I’m bothered.

It might help.

Good job though.

Then repeat.

Which are you?

Because we can do anything and in heels.

50/50 chance

I don’t wanna hear it.
More funny quotes HERE.