Funny Coronavirus School Canceled Memes
With each passing day, authorities impose stricter measures to contain the COVID19 corona virus. Schools closures are now affecting many countries including Italy, Austria, parts of Germany, and parts of the United States. While you sit there rocking back and forth wondering what to do, check out these hilarious coronavirus School Canceled Memes that’ll surely break you out of your stupor.
If you’re panicking, take a moment to breath, then laugh at a couple of memes before checking out our list of things to have at home in case of a pandemic.


Sleeping like a baby.

Run away before they come to their senses!

Yeeeeaaaahhh! Party time!

Celebrating end of school minion style…

Chill man! It’s all good!

You wanna run that by me one more time???

Climate change also starts with a “C”!

For more hilarious coronavirus memes, or cute animal memes, check out our thefunnybeaver category. If you’re wondering where to start with your panic buying, check out our review for face masks, surgical gloves, home made sanitizers, or even water purifiers that kill coronavirus!