College is an incredibly stressful time for students. From 10-page essays to comprehensive exams, getting through college is a handful. However, the college experience can certainly be enjoyable when you have wonderful professors to help you. One student soon learned what a difference it makes when you interact with a professor that is genuinely there to support you.
20. College

Image: the motley fool
College is a stressful period for any students looking to get a higher education. It’s not all about partying and joining fraternities. A lot of college is just a bunch of studying and writing papers.
19. Single Moms

Image: talkspace
While regular students have it rough enough throughout college, single mom’s especially have to work hard to make it through. Dealing with exams and the stress of raising a child all on their own is incredible difficult. Those were the difficulties one student was facing…
18. One Student

Image: shareably
Morgan King is a college student as well as a single mom. Navigating through college was a real challenge for this young woman as she also worked hard to raise her daughter, Korbyn. However, she knew it was worth working hard for.
17. Working Hard

Image: twitter/morgan king
Each day, Morgan would wake up and work hard at school while also caring for her daughter. Throughout the process she learned how to balance out her responsibilities without letting anything fall apart. However, everything didn’t always work according to plan.
16. Falling Apart

Image: bored panda
Not everything in life can work according to plan and that was a lesson that Morgan was about to learn. As hard as she worked to keep up with both Korbyn and her schoolwork, sometimes things didn’t always work out. This was one of those times.
15. Missing Class

Image: bored panda
On this particular day, Morgan had to unfortunately miss class. Instead of just missing class without saying anything, she decided to email her professor. She sent the professor a long apology email for missing class.
14. Sent

Image: crumbs of comfort
So Morgan sent off the email and went on about her day. She had no idea, however, how her professor would respond. Just a little while later she received her professor’s response and she was shocked by what her professor said to her!
13. Twitter
In fact, the response was so shocking that Morgan decided to share it on Twitter with all of her followers. She posted it with the following caption: “Told my professor I missed class yesterday bc I couldn’t find childcare & this was her response. I’m literally crying. So blessed/thankful.” So what did the professor say?!
12. Response

Image: bored panda
It seems that Professor Sally B. Hunter completely understood Morgan’s reasons for missing class. In fact, she was so understanding that she told Morgan that she could also hand in her work online. However, the response doesn’t end there!
11. Invitation

Image: tettybetty. Com
Professor Hunter also extended an invitation to Morgan’s daughter, Korbyn. She told Morgan that she could bring Korbyn into class and that she would be more than happy to watch her as she taught. The professor also offered to extend help in any other ways!
10. Viral Tweet

Image: twitter/morgan king
It seems that the professor’s response captured the hearts of everyone on Twitter because the tweet soon went viral. Since being posted the tweet has received over 5,000 retweets and over 27,000 likes!
9. Another Email

Image: bored panda
However, the story only gets better. It seems that as Morgan was about to reply to her professor and let her know about the viral tweet, the professor had already emailed her. It seems that Professor Hunter had heard the news about her popularity.
8. Another Tweet

Image: bored panda
Morgan decided to show everyone the next email that Professor Hunter sent to her. “Update: I just went to email my professor to let her know I posted her email and it went viral but she beat me to it! Hahaha #twitterfamous,” Morgan tweeted. Everyone was blown away once again.
7. Big Heart

Image: twitter/morgan king
Everyone was blown away by what a big heart Professor Hunter seemed to have. Professor Hunter was amazed that her email had gotten so popular. After all, she figured that inviting Korbyn to class was just a decent thing to do.
6. Awesome School

Image: www. Thv11. Com
Users on Twitter began to inquire about what college Professor Hunter teaches at. After all, everyone wanted to know where they could find some supportive and helpful professors. Professor Hunter is with the University of Tennessee, which is based in Knoxville.
5. Awarded

Image: shareably
However, it isn’t just Twitter that has recognized Professor Hunter’s amazingness. She was also awarded the Exceptional Faculty Mentor and Advisor Award. Professor Hunter has been extremely grateful to everyone saying such wonderful things about her.
4. Rate My Professor

Image: bored panda
Also, according to the website Rate My Professor, Hunter has an outstanding rating of 4.6 out of 5. It seems that everyone has had a wonderful experience with Professor Hunter. “Dr. Hunter is the best!” one student wrote.
3. Lovely Reviews

Image: tettybetty
In fact, the site is filled with some of the most wonderful reviews of Professor Hunter. One student wrote, “Dr. Hunter is the nicest lady and tells a lot of funny stories.” Another commented saying,“Sally is very helpful and loves kids.”
2. Graduated

Image: twitter/morgan king
Since she has posted the tweet, Morgan has graduated from the University of Tennessee. She is so grateful to Professor Hunter and is grateful that she was able to make it through college while being a single mother.
1. Wonderful Professors

Image: tettybetty
The college experience for many students can depend on just how supportive their professors are. Professor Hunter has proven that there are educators out there who are willing to help you succeed in any way they can.