36 Funny Pictures That Will Make You LOL
I’m not kidding, these are almost NSFW if you work in a quiet office environment. These 36 Funny Pictures will make you LOL. Also, Check out more funny pictures here.



Strike a pose in the age of selfies.

Didn’t think that one through.

Sunny days ahead.


Do as I say not as I do.

Now that’s funny.

Clear as mud?

True facts!

So true.

Ask a stupid question…

Be smart.

Someone didn’t think that one through.

Oreos in a library… what could possibly go wrong.

Just needs to cover them shoulders.

Been there done that.

Just doing what I was asked.

Is this considered abuse of power?

Sisterly love.

GI Joe!

Arch nemesis.

Right or left?

Simple solutions.

That kid was adopted right?

Didn’t see that coming.

Why … oh why?

Friend zone finally explained.

Marketing 101.

Winging it.

Uno friend of mine…