38 Great Inspirational And Motivational Quotes
38 Great Inspirational And Motivational Quotes.

No pretending!

This will automatically change how you feel.

Expect nothing and you’ll always be happy.

Wise words from Pooh.

Feelings move faster than light or sound.

How to be a good parent.

Sage words from Audrey Hepburn.

Being noticed is short term. Being remember is for ever.

To find your inner strength, you have to be tested.

There are always two sides to the “what if” coin.

Laughter and sleep are the best medicine.

Mother Teresa would know.

Beauty lies in the scratches and dents for that’s what makes things unique.

People are more important than things.

Yes you can.

Always show respect and you’ll earn respect.

Don’t dwell in the past.

Actions speak louder than words.

Every day is a “present”.

Treat others well.

Build deep roots.

Work on yourself first.

Love is more powerful if you share it.

Don’t be afraid to take the little steps.

Having faith in yourself is what drives you.

Follow what excites you because you’ve found your calling.

Better health leads to better life.

Let people you love know how you feel.

Let yourself shine.

Treat others well.

Everyone has secrets.

Believe in yourself.

Take action when your emotions are not running high.

Show your emotions, use them to energize you.

Accept your life and enjoy.

Positivity is like steroids for your mind.

Respect boundaries.