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An Indiana Sheriff Demonstrates Why Magazine Size Doesn’t Matter

It is commonly thought by many politicians and liberals that limiting the capacity of magazines will actually slow down or hinder an active shooter. Well Indiana Sheriff Ken Campbell of Boone County, Indiana made this video demonstrating why the capacity of a magazine really doesn’t matter.

Indiana Sheriff Demonstrates Why Magazine Capacity Doesn’t Matter

Via –

People who shoot competitively or who take more advanced firearms training courses that cover tactical reloads know how quickly a gun can be reloaded.
There is a common misconception that if you just limit the number of rounds in a magazine then will significantly slow down an active shooter.
Those of us well versed on reloading know this is not true. By doing tactical reloads (inserting a new magazine before your gun is completely empty) you can very, very quickly keep rounds in your firearm regardless of the number of rounds in the magazines.
In this video made by Indiana Sheriff Ken Campbell they test multiple scenarios and show that there is little to no difference in the time it takes to fire 30 round from 2 15 round magazines, 3 10 round magazines and 5 6 round magazines. They also demonstrate shooting multiple revolvers (the fastest way to put 30 rounds down range in the video) and the reload time on an AR-15 rifle.
Don’t worry 1911 guys, they also show how quickly that weapon can get rounds on target despite its 7 round magazine capacity.

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