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33 Of The Best Whispers

33 Of The Best Whispers.

The Best Whispers 033

Teach me your ways!

The Best Whispers 024

I said “food,” not “condiments,” Mom!

The Best Whispers 015

They’ve learned well. They’ll make great husbands. If a woman is on her time, just go into the corner and throw chocolate at her, then leave. her. alone.

The Best Whispers 006

I sea no drawback to this. Where do I sign up?

The Best Whispers 005

Disney brings us all together. It’s the cirrrrrcle of life.

The Best Whispers 004


The Best Whispers 003

Now do the math for them, plebeians!

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The Best Whispers 002

Pretty sure that turtle has had too many too..

The Best Whispers 001

That’s the best way to describe it.

The Best Whispers 009

So not a fan of Charlotte’s Web, I take it?

The Best Whispers 008

Or “You get an extra day.”

The Best Whispers 007

Only I get to complain about my brother!

The Best Whispers 016

But the Lego is way sharper.

The Best Whispers 025

“Someone is going to see red at the end of the day,” you should add!

The Best Whispers 026

Me: *won’t watch movies if the dog dies…there’s even a website to see if they do*

The Best Whispers 027

It’s the test of a relationship. Will you believe them?

The Best Whispers 028

You’re on the right step!

The Best Whispers 029

Nah, you’re the light of everyone’s life.

The Best Whispers 032

Are you high?

The Best Whispers 023

It’s your pop..secret?

The Best Whispers 014

We all do it.

The Best Whispers 013

But if they’re really bad, then they’re a distraction from you! Also you can blame things on them.

The Best Whispers 012

And remember who won.

The Best Whispers 011

Exactly. That’s my bar. Am I at octopus level? Not yet? Okay.

The Best Whispers 010

Sometimes too fine…

The Best Whispers 019

Best and scariest movie ever.

The Best Whispers 018

Have you watched reality tv?

The Best Whispers 017

…What is your phone made of?

The Best Whispers 021

We had this same conversation too!

The Best Whispers 022


The Best Whispers 030

Or five rounds of Candy Crush…

The Best Whispers 020

That’s..well, you’d be a good physical acting coach, maybe?


33 Great Inspirational Quotes.

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