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Autel Code Reader

You probably know this scenario: You’re driving down the road, and suddenly, your “check engine” light pops on. It could be for a simple reason or something more severe, but there’s only way to check; you have to take the car to the mechanic. Car mechanics charge for time and labor, so you may be looking at $100+ just to find out that you needed to change a fuse — a job you could’ve done on your own. That’s the reasoning behind car code scanners like the Autel AL319 AutoLink OBD II Code Reader.

Autel Package

End the Mystery of “Check Engine”

The Autel Code Reader helps read the diagnostic codes on any vehicle from 1996 and forward. It will turn off the check engine light (also known as the Malfunction Indicator Light), clear the codes, and reset the monitors to see what’s wrong with your car.

The design includes a color LED and a built-in speaker to effectively communicate information about the car. I love that it’s a design that works for nearly anyone, as it’s “plug and play,” plus comes in a variety of languages: English, German, Spanish, French etc. The Autel also works on domestic and import cars.

When the Autel is plugged in, it not only turns off the light and clears codes, it also views freeze frame data, displays monitor and emission readiness status, plus retrieves your vehicle’s information. When you go to a mechanic, there’s often manufacturer-specific codes that they have to read – the Autel code reader reads these too. The machine will then display the definitions on the color screen. Emissions checks are required in some states, and Autel has taken care of this with a one-click readiness key and drive cycle verification.

Auotel Autolink

The Autel uses the energy from your car to charge using the ODB2 cable so there’s no fumbling with charging cords or battery packs, which simplifies your process. When you need to update the information, it can connect to your computer and update via the internet.

This winter, having an eye on the condition of your car is really important, so I can see how this is handy to have right alongside your jumper cables. Last year my car died in a grocery store parking lot, and then after the jump, it was fine for a few days — until the engine gave out. Having this in the car probably would’ve made me get the car into the shop sooner.

Autel Features

The Autel AL319 AutoLink OBD ll Code Reader retails for less than $40 on Amazon, and there are other Autel code reader models available for a higher price. It may nt be as “fun” as the other auto gadgets out there, but definitely seems like it will provide good peace of mind.. Let’s see if it saves me an expensive trip to the mechanic.

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