Quotes are great, but funny quotes are better. Here are 33 funniest quotes ever.
Just when you thought you had seen some great funny quotes out there on the internet, along comes these – 33 of the funniest quotes ever. Enjoy.

Idiots in a bag… genius.

especially when there’s a corona virus spreading!

Cloud people…

If it were only that easy!

Every single time.

Princes have too much baggage!

nuff said.

Wax on… wax off… oops.


meanwhile… sticking with bird metaphors.

Caffeine is a girl’s best friend.

Keep Wishing…

You asked for it!

Welcome to adulthood.

Let me have my moment please!

Laughter is free… like most of the best things in life!

Honesty the best policy?

Only the lack of maturity is contagious… Maturity is well quarantined.

World naturally tends to chaos… why fight nature.


Expect nothing…

Aging is beautiful.

Just trying to make it work.


Yes please!

Should I be worried?


Do they?

Time wasting 101.

For even MORE funny quotes go HERE.