This is Blossom. She was a stray dog who was in bad shape when she was first noticed near Gage, Oklahoma. Thanks to dedicated people in the community, and the volunteers and staff at WOOF Pet Rescue Society in Woodward, the dog not only got a new home, she got her very first bath. The video of the amazing moment is undeniably sweet.
13. WOOF Pet Rescue

Image: woof pet rescue society
12. A Stray Dog

Image: woof pet rescue society
Blossom the stray dog was not in a good place when she arrived at WOOF Pet Rescue Society in Oklahoma. She had been found terrified on the front porch of an abandoned house. It seemed that she had been living there for quite awhile, living on scraps and generosity of a few people who put food and water out for the dog.
11. Evasion!

Image: woof pet rescue society
People took pictures of the dog in an attempt to see what could be done. Good Samaritans in the neighborhood tried to catch her, but she always evaded them. Then a woman named Erika contacted the Pet Rescue about the poor dog. The Rescue jumped into action, but it was not a simple matter to catch Blossom.
10. Caught!

Image: woof pet rescue society
On their first attempt, Blossom was able to play keep away. The wary dog led the rescuers all over the small town of Gage, while they respectfully tried to gain her trust. But she wasn’t budging. The next day they returned to try again, this time with a catchpole, plenty of treats and a few volunteers. This time they were able to get her.
9. Happy!

Image: woof pet rescue society
“It wasn’t an easy catch, she did not want to be on the catch-pole and fought us all the way to the crate that we had waiting, but once secure in the crate she settled down and by the time we got to WOOF she was happy to be near us and although still cautious, seemed to be relaxed enough to enjoy some human contact,” WOOF wrote on Facebook.
8. Mange!

Image: woof pet rescue society
Once WOOF had her in their custody, it was time for a visit to the vet to see if she was in good health. The vet found that other than a bad case of manage, she as very healthy. All she needed was time, love and attention. WOOF set about to make sure she had a full recovery.
7. Bath Time!

Image: woof pet rescue society
Blossom’s next order of business was to have a real bath. The staff thought she might be scared, sine it as probably the first time she had ever been bathed. The dog was nervous as first, as the staff lathered her fur up with soap. But as the realization set in that the lathering felt good, she started to relax. Trust was building between Blossom and her rescuers.
6. Sneaky!
Of course, a sneaky feline tried to get in on the action two. A grey tabby cat shows up at the end of the bath, just as Blossom was about to get out of the bath. The two look like an odd couple from a buddy comedy. Thankfully they became fast friends, despite the cat’s attempt to horn-in on the dog’s time.
5. Pampering!

Image: woof pet rescue society
Everyone likes to be pampered a little bit, and Blossom is no exception. After she was washed and rinsed, Blossom hung out in the tub enjoying the feeling of the warm water. She also enjoyed the feeling of being cared about by humans. This small moment made a big impact on Blossom’s life.
4. Rehabilitated!

Image: woof pet rescue society
Blossom looked fabulous after she had dried off. She spent a few more weeks at WOOF. The staff continued to treat the mange with twice-a-day baths. The brown fur that had been so matted started to grow back nicely. She also learned that she loved being social with other dogs and the volunteers and staff.
3. Adopted!

Image: woof pet rescue society
Many different volunteers worked with Blossom, and that was how she got adopted. One of the volunteers who helped rescue her fell in love with her. Soon the whole family visited the Rescue as often as possible. A bond started to form between the family and the dog.
2. Forever Home!

Image: woof pet rescue society
When the staff gave the dog the A-OK, the family stepped in to adopt her right away. This was a better happy ending for the dog than she could ever have dreamed of when she was cowering on the front porch of the abandoned house. She couldn’t wait to get home with her family.
1. Thriving!

Image: woof pet rescue society
Now living with her family, Blossom is clearly thriving. Her favorite activities are napping on the couch and playing catch with her human sisters and brothers. Bath time also continues to be a favorite.