The life of a stray animal is really tough. Every day is a battle to survive. It has to find its own food and water. If it is injured or diseased, it’s not easy to survive. However, in our story, a stray dog named Olive became a symbol of hope as his life improved drastically. His journey to happines will amaze you. Make sure not to miss images 18, 16 and 14!
   20. A Chance To Live

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The story of Olive, a stray Cocker Spaniel, is heart-warming. She was a stray dog trying to survive when Holly Emmerson came across her way. She immediately fell in love with the poor stray and decided to adopt it. However, she didn’t know that Olive had more problems than being stray.
19. Holly Emmerson

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After adopting Olive, Holly Emmerson found out that the poor dog was blind. At first, it was difficult, but Holly was willing to do everything she could to help her friend see the world out there. She went to the vet in order to find out what the problem was and how she could deal with it.
18. Tough Decision

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The vet told Holly that Olive had been blind due to cataracts in her eyes. The surgery that would be able to help the dog see was pretty expensive. It would cost about $5,000. The decision was tough for Holly.
17. Determined To Help

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Holly was determined to help Olive and with the help of her husband Brat and the team at West Coast Cocker Rescue (WCCR), who found the stray, she managed to raise enough money for the surgery. Holly said: ‘Thanks to a lot of help from family, friends and the WCCR, we were able to raise the required amount for Olive’s surgery.”
16. On The Way To The Vet

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After raising the money, Holly didn’t waste any time. She made an appointment with the vet for Olive’s surgery. Holly and Brat were nervous upon dropping Olive off for her surgery, but they knew this was her best hope.
15. Seeing For The First Time

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The first time Holly and Brat saw Olive after the surgery was really emotional. “The second she came around the corner, Brat and I were both crying, it was such an emotional moment for us all,” Holly said.
14. Happiness

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Olive seemed really happy and joyful. She was ready to start exploring and going on new adventures with her beloved family. “She was definitely overwhelmed to see the world for the first time. When we took her home she just stared out the window for ages, taking in all these new sights.”
13. Playing Together
Olive was now ready to start a new life full of hope and happiness. Holly and Brat were really happy to see how much Olive was enjoying her new life. Holly said, “It was such an incredible moment to witness, seeing her that alert and looking us in the eyes.”
12. A New Life

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The surgery was really important for Olive’s life. It gave her the chance to live a normal life full of joy and love. With Holly and Brat by her side, she can be sure that everything is going to be alright.
11. Happily Ever After

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Holly wanted from the start to share the whole story of Olive with the rest of the world so she “vlogged” the whole thing. Holly said, ‘We’ve now launched our own YouTube channel, Holly and Bart, documenting our lives as a trio.’
10. Inspiration

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Holly wanted to show the world that there will always be hope no matter what. “Olive is an amazing example that no obstacle should get in your way of enjoying life, and we hope her story can inspire people to view life the same way.”
9. Love is in the air

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Olive is able to play, to eat without help, and enjoys her life without boundaries and obstacles. She is free to do whatever she wants thanks to Holly and Brat.
8. Lucky

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Olive was really lucky to be adopted by Holly and Brat. The stray life is really difficult, especially for a blind dog. She wouldn’t be able to find water and food and sadly her life would be short.
7. Always Together

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Since the surgery, the family is always together. They go out for walks, play together at the parks, and really enjoy each other’s company. They have a really strong bond and no one can take it from them.
6. Like A Child

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For Holly and Brat, Olive is like a child to them and they would do anything they could to help their beloved dog. They were really happy to be able to help Olive see, no matter what the cost was.
5. Saved

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Olive was really lucky to be saved and she doesn’t miss a chance to show it to. She spends every energetic minute she can with Holly and Brat.
4. Difficult Life

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It is really difficult for dogs with cataracts to stay on the road without any help. Most dogs are not born with cataracts, so when they start developing it’s hard for a stray to cope.
3. Precaution

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However, cataracts can be spotted with domestic dogs. Owners must be alert and careful in order to notice if there is something wrong with the eyes of their pet before it’s too late.
2. Blindness

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Cataracts can lead to blindness and there is not much the owner of the dog can do to prevent it from happening. However, cataracts can be removed surgically.
1. Never Giving Up

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Life is really hard and unfair. However, stories like Olive’s give inspiration and hope that everything is possible and it makes you believe that at the end of the day if you try hard enough, everything is going to be okay.
Don’t forget to check out our selection of the funniest short stories and our entire library of hilarious short stories.